To use this site:
- On the Home page (and on any page), click on the Enter button — to enter the English version of this site.
- On any page, click on the français button to open the French version of this site (still to be translated — after the English content is finalized).
- To find out how I categorize my work, and what I charge for each item, click on the Services tab at the top.
- To find pictures of gardens and other things I've done, click on the Experience tab at the top.
- Experience describes the main things that I've done.
- Expertise reorders my experience into areas of expertise. Here, for each area, I describe how I would accomplish each and what I've learned should be done in each area. Links back to Experience where required.
Browser: This site has been developed to work in Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher. Eventually, I will make it compatible with Netscape and other browsers. However, at the moment in Netscape, some of the fancier features (spacing, etc.) will not work as expected.
Content: This site is very one-dimensional. It only presents my marketable side. I do have another website at containing my personal and family stuff. Beyond its home page, that site is mainly password-protected, which restricts its access to family around the globe.